News on the go 07.07.13. The second newscast.
Today you can see in our news:
- The team of Russian Education Ministry against students. How was held the football match? The impression of minister Dmitry Livanov from Universiade and from Kazan federal university.
- The graduate of Kazan federal university and merited russian athlete is going into action forchampion's title.
News on the go 07.07.13. The first newscast.
Today you can see in our news:
- Many peoplehad been privileged to witness the glorious show. Let's remember the most bright moments of Universiade opening.
- How Universiade 2013 can help to the universities of Kazan?
Эстафета Огня финишировала у стен КФУ
Эстафета огня завершилась. Она длилась чуть менее года, в ней приняли участие полтора миллиона студентов. Казанский этап состоял из 58 этапов.