喀山联邦大学 16.12.13
Смотрите в выпуске:
- Малые инновационные предприятия. Почему наука уходит в бизнес?
- Сокровищница знаний. Сколько экспонатов в Музее зоологии КФУ?
- Пол Зальцман в Казани. Какие планы у знаменитого режиссера?
The last white knight. Paul Saltzman is in Kazan
Famous Canadian director Paul Saltzman presented the film "The Last White Knight" in Kazan Federal University. Why is the story of confrontation Ku Klux Klan and human rights organizations in the U.S. interesting to students of The Republic of Tatarstan? And what are the plans for the nearest future of the winner in the prestigious "Emmy"? We will know it in the next video
Science and Business: what is the use of symbiosis?
Currently in Kazan Federal University there are about thirty small innovative enterprises and they are associated with a variety of scientific areas. All enterprises are still quite young, but their total turnover last year amounted to about 28 million rubles. What scientific ideas turned into a business? Details are in the next video